New Student Account Creation

Once the student logon account is obtained, it will provide access to the UMES Network allowing access to various software packages, applications and e-mail. Additionally, with this account you are given access to log in to the computers in the IT supported academic computer labs.

Accounts are generally created and ready for use in 30 minutes. If an account was not generated or login is not working, please come to the IT Help Desk in Waters Hall or call x8324 (TECH) on-campus or 410-651-8324 off-campus for further information. We also provide information at our IT Public Knowledge Base that can be helpful for solving technical issues.

To begin, please enter the following required information:

Student ID
Help with Student ID Number
Last Name
Have a hyphenated name, or a name suffix (Junior or III)?

If you already have an account, please continue on to myUMES