The School of Business and Technology
Lin, Frank, Ph.D.
Associate Professors:
Okunbor, Daniel, Ph.D. (Chair)
Almeida, Michael, Ph.D.
Assistant Professors:
Chapin, E. William, Ph.D.
Dudis, Joseph, Ph.D.
Johnson Jr., Robert, Ph.D.
Yousif, Adil, Ph.D.
Ezekwenna, Peter, Ph.D.
Malik Bashir Malik, Ph.D.
Ndumu, Martin, Ph.D.
Alls, David, M.S.
Arya, Rakesh, M.S.
Dube, Tina, M.S.
Jones-Douglas, Lois, M.S.
Noble, Annette, M.S.
Ukoha, Ojiabo, M.S.
The mission of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is
the development and dissemination of the knowledge of quantitative and
algorithmic skills and methods necessary in our technological society.
The goals:
Providing service to the entire University community, from entering freshmen
with weak academic backgrounds to graduate students and other department
faculty who need to upgrade their quantitative and algorithmic skills;
Preparing graduate and undergraduate students in these areas for advanced
study, teaching in secondary schools, and careers as practitioners in the
Preparing graduate and undergraduate students in these areas for advanced
study, teaching in secondary schools, and careers as practitioners in the
Advancing knowledge in the area of mathematics and computer science via
faculty and students through research; and,
Making the results of current mathematical, statistical and computer science
methods and techniques available to the University and surrounding communities.
In order to fulfill its role, the Department of Mathematics and Computer
Science aims at the development in each student of:
The ability to think clearly, independently, and critically;
The ability to compose and interpret mathematical statements,
The development of a strong foundation of classical and modern concepts
in mathematics and computer science for majors;
The understanding and successful application of the basic quantitative
and algorithmic skills and techniques necessary for non-majors to enable
them to analyze and solve problems;
The necessary skills and competencies, both theoretical and practical,
involved in the use of computers as a tool in solving problems in the rapidly
expanding number of fields now influenced by computer science technology;
The necessary specialized background required for those students planning
to continue with advanced graduate.
Likewise, the Department aims at the development in each faculty member
The ability to teach a broad range of subjects for its service role, majors,
graduates and for the community;
Skills to keep abreast in the fields of mathematics and computer science
through research in appropriate areas of academic specialization; and,
Skills in counseling students, colleagues, and community members in the
planning of their academic careers.
In meeting its goals, the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
serves all departments of the University. It offers undergraduate majors
in Mathematics, (teaching and non-teaching); in Computer Science (directed
towards Business Applications), and Computer Science (directed toward Scientific
Applications); and, a graduate degree program in Applied Computer Science.
Students in the department may specialize in classical mathematics, probability
and statistics, applied mathematics, and/or computer science.
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
The University | Academics
| The School of Agriculture and Natural Sciences
| The School of the Arts and Professions | The
School of Business and Technology | Courses
| Faculty | Appendix |